Thursday, December 19, 2013

Amendment VII

English: If one is being sued for more than twenty dollars ($20), one has the right to a jury instead of only a judge. In the future, the case cannot be examined in a court not recognized by the government.
History: Delegates of the Constitutional Convention felt that basic rights(first ten amendments) were needed alongside the Constitution in order to limit the powers of the government over the citizens. However, many delegates, such as the federalists, felt that the Bill of Rights would be useless because the Constitution did not directly give government power over human rights, and because government could only do what the Constitution says they can; why add the Bill at all? Nonetheless, the issue of adding the Bill of Rights was decided or else the Convention that met to develop a new country and define citizens’ freedoms would be rendered useless. Also, twenty dollars back then was considered a lot of money. Therefore, today, lawsuits under seventy five thousand dollars are not handled by federal court.
Effect on US: Judges, in the English court system, were seen as ruthless and unsentimental towards whomever they sentenced. The seventh amendment ensures that a group of citizens will be present for certain cases in order to divert impartial decisions. It also allows the common man to be part the judicial system by making decisions in courts.
Effect on us: When called for jury duty, we will be able to help guide decisions in the court and be able to offer impartial decisions being peers.

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