Monday, January 13, 2014

Group 9: 28th Amendment

Amendment 28

Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay

Section 1:
 No employees shall be subject to lesser compensation of job or work on the basis of sex. No employer shall discrimination against his/her employees on the basis of sex by providing unequal pay for equal or similar job positions performed under equal or similar working conditions.

Section 2:
Minimum wage, health care benefits, and maximum hour limitation may not differ for employees for reasons pertaining to sex.

Similar to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, our proposed amendment would prohibit discrimination based on gender in terms of salary. People of both genders in the same field of work, or the same working conditions deserve equal pay.
Also, work hours, wages, and benefits cannot differ between employees because of his/her gender


  1. So two people of the opposite sex, with the same job position and working conditions, must receive equal payment regardless of job performance?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Working "job performance" into this amendment would create too many loopholes...

    3. We considered working "job performance" into this amendment. However, as socsci34 stated, it would create many major loopholes. For example, any employer could simply state the "job performance" of one employee qualifies him/her for a higher pay than his/her counterpart, an easy way to evade the effect of this amendment.

  2. Interesting idea. 49, you raised an interesting issue of avoidance by employers. Do you think that the wording of the amendment could be tightened so that other types of non-compliance could be eliminated?


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